Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Vision: The vision of Sankalp is to provide a communication platform between the haves and the have nots We believe that this platform will help in providing education to lesser privileged part of the सोसिएती

Problem: A lot of students drop-out of schools because of lack of monetary resources। Even though enrollment rates are as high as 85 percent in Class I, more than 50 percent of children drop out by Class V। With this amount of drop outs, our dream of seeing India as a super power would never materialize। At Sankalp, we believe that the root cause of all the problem India is facing is lack of education। So, Sankalp aims at reducing the percentage of drop-outs।There is also dearth of teachers in most schools। Moreover, the curriculum is not in pace with the modern world. Sankalp believes that all these problems can be alleviated, if not completely solved, if the privileged part of the society comes forward and give a helping

Solution: We believe that there are a lot of people who want to help but do not know how to go about it. Sankalp is a medium through which the other privileged people can reach out to the needy. We go about achieving our aim of imparting education to the needy in the following ways:We request people to sponsor education of the needy children – give them scholarshipsWe request the educated youth to spend some time teaching in schools which have inadequate number of teachers.We request people to impart computer education to the needy children in their spare timeAt Sankalp we believe that only if we, as members of the society, take up the responsibility, that the problem would be solved. This in turn would give immense satisfaction to us.Help your brother's boat across and your own will reach the shore

For detailed information pls contact the following people:

saurabh bhardwaj 9866643705
prashant mehta 9391377150
krishna kumar 9866334865
jitesh mulchandani 9392334383

Mail us your queries at

Sankalp - "Guest faculty"

Guest फकुल्टी

As the part of the project “Sankalp”, this program also relies on its basic theme of Education for all। Generally we have felt, that the level of education imparted has not been satisfactory in schools in India, hence this program aims at inviting volunteers to the school to hold guest lectures. The program has following characteristics:1) The program would work in school, where our project would be running.2) Depending upon the need, lectures would be prepared and advertised to the people.3) The lectures would be arranged with the school’s approval and would be timed which would suit both the school and the volunteer.4) The volunteer education background would be taken into account while assigning lectures.5) The lectures would be designed as par requirements

Sankalp-"Sponsoring child’s education"

Sponsoring child’s एडुकेशन

This programs aim at bridging gap between the needy students and the people who would like to help थेम.The program aims at finding individuals who can sponsor needy student’s

एडुकेशन for a period of time not through cash but through stuffs that are relevant to their एडुकेशन needs. The program would have following characteristics:1) The program would identify the list of needy students from various schools in which the project would be working and would prepare their portfolios highlighting their background and needs.2) This information would be advertised to raise sponsorship for these students.3) The nature of sponsorship would be according to the identified needs of the students.4) There is no restriction on the amount of funds that can be raised from a singlesponsor.5) To maintain transparency, before actual transaction, all relevant papers and proofs would be shown to the interested individuals (sponsors).6) There would be a one-one meeting with the child’s parents with their interested sponsors.
7) Sponsoring multiple children through this program is allowed

Sankalp-"Computer Education"

Computer एडुकेशन

As the part of the project Sankalp, this program also relies on its basic theme of एडुकेशन for all. We at sankalp believe that being computer literate is very important. In this program we invite volunteers to teach computer to the students in their free time. The characteristics of the program are:The program would take place at school, in volunteers place or at any other place arranged.This program aims at imparting basic computer knowledge.